The simple truth about church growth

Although I've had the honor to help quite a few churches build strategies for healthy and sustainable growth...

I have to admit something...

I don't have any silver bullets!

In fact, what I teach in the courses and coaching group is incredibly simple.

And right now I'm going to break it down for you...

Because there are just a few key principles that guide everything I teach...

1) God wants your church to grow more than you do!

2) The Holy Spirit is already at work in your community.

3) Our job is to support and amplify what God is already doing.

Still with me?

Here's what it means...

1) God wants your church to grow more than you do!

He's the loving father.

He's the savior of the world!

Jesus died for the people in your city and He wants them connected to a life-giving church.

He wants it WAY MORE than you or I do.

This is why I have confidence that every healthy church not only can, but also should...grow!

2) The Holy Spirit is already at work in your community.

The scripture is clear on this.

The HS convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and the judgement to come.

He's at work...constantly drawing people to repent and turn to God.

Therefore, we don't have to create some fancy, sophisticated show to draw people.

We just need to do step 3...

Which is...

3) Support and amplify what God is already doing!

God is already drawing people.

He's already working on their heart.

Where we come in is to plant seed, water the seed, and create healthy environments for growth!

Paul planted, Apollos watered but God brings the increase. Right?

So now put that in a 21st century context.

I put out a simple 30 second Facebook/Instagram/Youtube invite ad. (seed)

The Holy Spirit draws the person to come to church, or group, or an event...

We water the seed with clear teaching of the Word and discipleship.

God brings growth!

Another of our favorite phrases...

"God, we'll build the bring the babies!"

When we dedicate ourselves as pastors and leaders to creating healthy environments for people to be discipled God brings them in.

Makes sense doesn't it?

So where to start?

I've put together a super simple, super practical resource called "20 Ways To Grow Your Church."

It gives a clear roadmap to follow to do what I described above.

Talk to you soon,

- Pastor Jake