How A Small Church Pastor Invited 320 People To Church

With Only $100

We all want to reach more people for Christ!

What's so cool is that we're living in a day and age when it's easier to do than ever before!

One of the pastors in the Facebook Invitation System course recently started using Facebook for his church.

The numbers were pretty amazing even on a small budget!

Here's what he did:

He recorded a video ad using the training from the Facebook Invitation System (we make this REALLY easy...)

His budget was $250 to promote a Back to Church Sunday at his church.

He checked the numbers after a few days and what he saw was pretty amazing!

He spent $100 and had 320 people watch his invitation all the way through! (hundreds more watched at least some of it...)

Here's what this means...

This pastor was able to personally invite 320 people in his community to church for only $0.32 a person!!!

32 pennies...

It honestly doesn't get better than that.

Not with mailers, door hangers, or TV.

So, here's the thing.

You should be using Facebook if you want to make a greater impact in your community.

You don't need a huge budget.

You just need the right plan.

And I'd love to share how you can use Facebook as a tool for evangelism and outreach right here...


- Pastor Jake

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