The Fatherhood Revolution Changing The Church

Happy Father’s day!

Later today we’ll be celebrating all the Fathers (and all the men) in the church with a prayer, a challenge, and a gift of beef jerky!

But what we do on Father’s day is just a nod to the value and importance of the Fathers in the church.

I think often about Paul’s words to the Corinthians…

For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

Paul, the Apostle

In the modern church these words continue to ring true.

There are “ten-thousand instructors” in the church today.

Many people are happy to share their knowledge and even their wisdom with others.

Don’t get me wrong, that’s a valuable contribution.

But Paul’s words challenge us.

Because teachers and instructors aren’t enough.

We need Fathers in the house of the Lord!

See, a father does and says what a teacher won’t.

Teachers instruct.

Fathers enforce.

Teachers give lessons.

Fathers lay down their lives.

Teachers share the truth.

Fathers demonstrate it.

Teachers finish their assigned program and go home.

The father builds a home and guards it from outside attack.

See the differences?

Teachers raise up learners.

Fathers raise up sons and daughters.

The roles look similar but the results couldn’t be more different.

Ultimately, fathers pass on the vision, values, and culture of the family.

And we need more men of God to embrace this calling!

To be great natural and spiritual fathers in the church.

I’m one of the truly blessed ones…

Because I’ve greatly benefited from spiritual fathers.

John Gomez, Sean Eisma, Jess Strickland, Jeff Wells, George Odom, Denny Martinez, and many more…

My own natural Father (Steve) is a tremendous man of God (just finished pastoring after 40 years of faithful service).

He’s my mentor, my example, and my hero!

Not because he led a mega church or made a million dollars.

Because he faithfully loves my mom and my siblings.

He serves Jesus with joy.

His impact on my life is incalculable.

He’s there to correct me when I get off course.

He’s there to pick me up when I fail.

He’s there to cheer me on when I win.

It’s my fervent hope that we’ll see a revolution of spiritual fatherhood arise in the church!

Men of God that embrace the challenge of raising up spiritual sons and daughters to carry on the legacy of the family of God.

Not hirelings.

But true fathers.

How can we help see this happen as pastors?

Here’s a few ideas:

  • Commit to training men how to be spiritual fathers. (I’ve done a 6-week mentorship group with men that has been effective.)

  • Clearly communicate the vision of spiritual fatherhood. (Make it clear what that means and what it looks like specifically at your church.)

  • Identify the fathers in the house and honor them. (Then recruit them to mentor and disciple young men in the church!)

  • Develop tools and equip men to use them. (Many men would love to mentor and disciple others but they lack the necessary tools. Most of the time they just don’t know where to start! All they need is a simple pathway to follow e.g. a simple curriculum with clear guidelines.)

Alright, thats all I have time for today!

I hope it encourages you.

If you’d like more in-depth training I encourage you to become a premium subscriber to the Leader Letter.

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Once again, happy father’s day!

Don’t forget to call him and say thanks!


Pastor Jake