Stay Salty

A Lesson In Leadership Development

One of the keys to a healthy growing church is raising and releasing new leaders.

At Joy Church we’re praying fervently and doing everything possible to raise up leaders for the kingdom of God!

For a variety of reasons not least of which is…

Leaders are the infrastructure/skeleton of the church body!

If you want your church to grow you need leaders!

A common ratio to keep in mind is that for every leader you’ll have ten attenders. So 10 leaders = 100 members. 100 leaders = 1,000 members.

I’ve found this ratio to be true!

Therefore, every new leader you equip and empower in your church has an exponential impact on growth.

So how do we equip and empower new leaders?

By being SALTY!

OK, OK…that might not make much sense so let me explain.

A few weeks ago we had a wonderful pastor from India with us that has planted over 1000 churches in the past 50 years of ministry. He’s an expert in leadership development if I ever saw one!

He spoke to our staff and elders for a few hours and shared a simple message about salt.

Believers are the salt of the world according to Jesus.

Salt is important…noticed when it’s missing…but it’s also commonplace.

Easily accessible and available.

If you go to 100 houses, 99 of them will have salt.

And that’s what Jesus intends for His people.

Ever present, easily accessible, and available.

So what’s this have to do with raising leaders?


Because as pastors we often make ourselves “off-limits!”

And we seek to be unique and special in our thinking, writing, and communication.

We often over complicate things when a simple message or method would do.

And when it comes to training people we need to be simple, present, and available.

Because simple things are transferable and repeatable.

Complexity isn’t.

For example…

Right now we' have 3 ministry apprentices joining our weekly staff meeting.

These 3 men want to plant churches in the near future.

But they need to learn A LOT about ministry and pastoring.

Therefore, we’re teaching them very simple frameworks for preaching, counseling, prayer, and leadership that they can immediately put into practice.

They don’t need me to be flowery and profound.

They need me to be simple and clear.

They need me to be available for questions and mentorship.

They need me to be accessible so they can watch how I preach, prepare, pray, love my family, and live my life.


Want to raise up leaders that love Jesus, love you, love the ministry, and make an impact?

Be humble, relational, and simple.

Be salty.

Want more leadership and church growth lessons?


Pastor Jake