Winning The Big Game

The Most Important Contest Taking Place Today

Yesterday (Saturday) was a glorious day in the world of college football.

My beloved Oregon Ducks rolled into the powerful Utah Ute’s stadium and walked out with a dominant 35-6 victory!


But now today there’s a much more important contest taking place…

The Church vs the kingdom of darkness!

And I’m even more excited about today.

Because today someone will walk into your church for the first time and give their life to Jesus!

Today someone will be healed…

Set free…

Brought into the family of God!

So I’m praying for you today…

Believing for a breakthrough at your church.

Believing for God’s grace to be upon you and your team.

Believing for a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit.

And for the presence of God to fill the room.

Here’s something I’ve learned about pastoring…

However good/bad the day feels…

You win by showing up!

Yup…your faithfulness makes a difference.

And I’m grateful for you, pastor!

Keep it up.

And if you want to bring in more people every Sunday to hear the Gospel I encourage you to check out my course The Facebook Invitation System.

In the course I teach how to use simple 30 second invite videos to invite your whole city to church in less than 30 minutes!

Go get em’,

Pastor Jake