Take Care Of The "Engine"

The Secret To Longterm Healthy Leadership

Last summer we made a mad dash for youth camp.

Like always when you have young kids there are a million things to grab...

And in the hustle and bustle my wife helped me and the kids get all our stuff together but ended up forgetting some of her toiletries and clothes!

Needless to say, we had to make an emergency run to the closest store in town to get what she needed...

Totally reminds me of pastoring.

We're often so busy helping other people or keeping all the ministry plates spinning that we forget our own needs.

But the reality is that you can only pour out what you have...not what you don't.

Otherwise you're on the fast track to burnout and frustration.

What does it mean to take care of yourself?

I'll keep it short and sweet with 3 key areas:

1) Take care of your spirit

This is #1 for a reason.

It means putting your relationship with the Lord first and foremost.

Spending that time in the Word and prayer will keep you fresh!

2) Take care of your soul

I've heard the soul described as the mind, will, and emotions.

If your soul is sick you won't be able to ministry effectively to others.

Of course, sometimes we serve others out of our own need and brokenness...and God uses that!

But it's not meant to be how we live.

Take care of your soul.

Take a walk...read a book...call an old friend...listen to some music...take a nap.

It's worth it.

3) Take care of your body

Many pastors neglect their physical health.

But your body is more than just a vehicle to carry around your brain!

It's a part of you.

So keep it in the best health you can!

A good nights sleep, lots of water, and some fruits and veggies make a difference!

Hopefully that helps!

For more in-depth leadership training check out "20 Ways To Grow Your Church."

I'm making it available for 90% off right now and it's one of our most popular resources!

It's FULL of content that will enrich, encourage, and challenge you.

It's the perfect time to GROW as a leader...and to invest in yourself...

Have a great day,

Pastor Jake

PS - Want all of my courses including: Facebook Invitation System, Church Marketing Masterclass, Building A Ministry Pipeline, How to Break the 100 Barrier, Guest Follow Up System, and more? Plus a vibrant community of pastors and leaders and a live weekly coaching session? All for less than attending 1 conference a year? Check out UpLevel Leader right here: https://uplevelleader.com/

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