The Worst Thing A Pastor Can Say

After pastoring either as a lead or staff pastor for the past 17 years I've learned at least one thing.

Everything works sometimes.

All the various ministry models, strategies, tactics, and systems that have come along over the years have had merit.

If they didn't, you'd have never heard about them!

They worked somewhere for someone at some point.

Cell groups, G12, TV ministry, FB ads, busses, going door to door, conferences, seeker sensitive, and on and on...

But I've also learned this...

Everything doesn't work sometimes. (bad grammar I know...haha)

All models and systems are relative to the circumstance, culture, leader, and other factors in play.

There's no one size fits all perfect ministry model.

That's why we all keep learning and growing and adapting.


And that's why I despise when small minded leaders say to me regarding something I teach or have taught about church growth, discipleship, or other topics, "That won't work for us."

Those are the WORST words a leader can say.

Poisoning your own well is what that is.

It's a predetermined negative attitude.

If that's how you feel why not just give up?

It's like showing up to play Monopoly and declaring defeat before you even roll the dice!


And yet, I hear it almost weekly from discouraged and defeated leaders.

You know what?

The things I coach you to do may not work.

Or they might lead to tremendous break through.

But you'll never know if you have a "that won't work for us" mindset.

For those who are willing to learn, grow, and actually play the game...

In it to win it,

Pastor Jake

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