This Time Next Year?

Something to chew on...

I just got back from a planning retreat for the church…

And it went great…

But holy smokes my brain hurts!

Even so, I’m really glad we did it.

Because the thing I fear as a leader isn’t failure…it’s stagnation.

I don’t mind if we try and fail.

I just don’t want to lose by default.

Kinda like in baseball…

It’s better to swing and miss then watch a strike cross the plate with your bat on your shoulder.

Or golf…

Where they say, “Never leave a putt short.”

It’s better to give yourself a chance!

And the same applies to leading a church.

So many pastors are comfortable with status quo.

And it doesn’t make sense to me!

I understand that there are seasons and times of waiting on the Lord.

But I also understand the principle of sowing and reaping…

And being faithful to invest the “talents” the Master gives you.

So, with all that in mind here’s my question for you…

What are you doing NOW that will take you to a new level next year?

Or will you be in the same place next year?

Same attendance.

Same financial resources.

Same problems.

Same lack of help.

Same. Same. Same.

This time next year…

What will have changed?

Because if we don’t plant…we won’t reap.

But the good news is that there are proven steps you can take to grow your church, make disciples, raise up leaders, and get the victory God has for you as a pastor and leader!

Here’s how I might be able to help you.

I coach pastors in church growth and leadership.

I’ve had the privilege to personally coach over 500 pastors since 2018.

And it’s my true JOY to see how God uses our time together to make a difference in their churches, personal lives, and kingdom impact!

Don’t be in the same place this time next year.

Come be a part of UpLevel Leader and get some help!

PS - If you have any questions please let me know.