
And Why Church Growth Isn't Always Easy...

Quick story…

A few weeks ago my wife said, “Hey my laptop is getting really hot!”

Sure enough I felt it and the bottom of the laptop was hot to the touch…

Something with the battery I thought…

And hot enough that I was worried it would explode!

I set it down on a chair far away from the family and we waited until it cooled down.

Then began the time-sucking quest of figuring out what was wrong with it…

I ended up trying a bunch of things.

Read a bunch of help articles and watched Youtube tutorials to try and figure it out…

Started with software updates and eventually figured the battery needed to be replaced.

So I hopped on Amazon ordered one with good reviews and then last Saturday spent an hour pulling out the old and popping the new one in.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I figured I could handle it with the step by step instructions provided.

Unfortunately when I put it all back together it didn’t work!

And I was pulling my hair out to find out why!

Back to YouTube I went…

And onto the new battery support site to try and find answers…

But nothing worked…

Then I had an idea…

I unplugged the new battery cable (so tiny I could barely maneuver it with my sausage fingers! haha) and replaced it with the original one…

And voila!

It worked!

Tinker tinker tinker…


So what does this have to do with pastoring and church growth?

A whole lot in fact…

Because sometimes you follow the step by step best practices and it doesn’t work.

You don’t grow.

Things don’t go well.

But don’t give up.

Keep tinkering.

Keep trying.

Keep trusting God.

And maybe get some fresh ideas in the process?

Like in my 20 Ways To Grow Your Church resource bundle…

Keep tinkering,

Pastor Jake