Like Deck Chairs On The Titanic

A simple but profound statement for your consideration…

“It’s like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.”

Ever heard it?

The idea is simple. Why address the superficial when the essential is at risk?

Yet this is exactly what MOST churches are doing each and every day…

Investing time, money, and attention into anything other than what really matters.

Making disciples.

That’s our mission. It comes from Jesus. It’s not negotiable...and yet it seems like some churches would rather do anything other than that…

Here’s the bottom line.

  • Are you reaching people that don’t know Christ?

  • Are they joining your church?

  • Are they becoming disciples?

If the answer is need a FIRE lit under your butt…

And I’m happy to throw some wood and gasoline on it!

Because everything else you’re focused on is non-essential. Notice I didn’t say unimportant. I said non-essential.

Sure, if you’re doing a dog and pony show every week and trying to maintain the status quo there are lots of important things to do…

They just don’t matter.

It’s rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship.

My friend, hear me on this: 85% of North American churches are stagnant or in decline.

We’re not headed for trouble...we’re in it!

And it’s time to wake up.

OK, I’ll bring it down a notch.

If I haven’t already offended you and you’re still reading that’s awesome!

Because you’re the kind of person I’m looking for to be a part of UpLevel Leader.

It’s a coaching group for pastors that are sick and tired of the status quo and want to see people saved, lives transformed, and their churches grow!

If that’s not you...then UpLevel Leader isn’t for you…

But if you’re passionate about seeing people saved and making disciples and you’re willing to do whatever it takes (short of sin) to accomplish it…

This is YOUR tribe.

And you will LOVE IT.

Seriously, I get emails from pastors that are nearly giddy with excitement when they realize how AWESOME the courses and coaching really are inside the program.

Because we’re helping churches WIN in their communities…

We’re teaching them to use modern tools to spread the world’s greatest message!

And they’re seeing GROWTH. Sometimes for the first time in years…

So, if you’re ready to take your place in the TRIBE of growth-minded, kingdom advancing leaders…click right here.

UpLevel Leader is a weekly coaching program where we laugh, learn, and sometimes cry together. It’s all about growing healthy churches and making disciples.

So, if you’d like hands on coaching to help you break your current growth barrier, create an incredible team, revitalize your mission, and see your church thrive I’d love you to join me and dozens of other pastors in the UpLevel Leader program.

Plus you get access to ALL of my courses including: Facebook Invitation System, Gust Follow-Up, Vision, and Kickstarting Church Growth.

Do you need community of like-minded leaders?

Do you need fresh ideas to get your church moving again?

Oh, and if your worried about the finances please don’t! We can show you how the program entirely pays for itself in as little as one month. We teach a simple (but incredibly effective) strategy for covering the very minimal cost of the program!

Plus for the next 5 2 pastors I’m offering a 50% discount on the group. Use code: MOMENTUM to save 50% FOREVER.

Click here to learn more and join. But heads up…we only have room for 5 pastors to join this month. So don’t delay!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake