It's Too Good Not To Share

Helping Churches Across The Nation

When my dear friend Paul approached me last year with his idea I was totally skeptical…

“No way! I don’t need that hassle. It’s TOO much work!”

Here’s the thing…

Pastor Paul had been a member of my coaching group UpLevel Leader and had achieved absolutely fantastic results…

He applied EVERYTHING he learned from the courses and coaching…

And in the process his church grew from 20 on a good Sunday to over 200 strong in a little over a year!

Glory to God!

But when he came to me and said, “Jake, pastors and churches NEED this training and these tools but so many of them won’t do it without some help,” I finally listened.

And I’m so glad I did.

Because we’re now seeing churches double their attendance and massively increase giving in as little as 90 days.

Yup, you read that right.

Before you say, “Yeah right!” please keep reading…

Because I believe God can use what I’m about to share with you to revolutionize your church and make a serious impact in your community.

Just a few short months ago Pastor Paul and I launched a new service called Church Flow Pro.

In a nutshell CFP does 3 things:

1) Brings first time guests to your church every Sunday.

2) Automates your follow-up and communication so more of your guests come back.

3) Provides weekly in-depth pastoral coaching for you and your team (including ALL of my on-demand video courses) to equip you to break whatever growth barrier you’re currently facing.

We help churches get people, keep people, and grow people.

Pastor Paul’s idea was to take all the courses and training I’d developed over the past 6 years to help churches grow…

Training that has helped thousands of churches grow…

And put it into a completely done-for-you service.

And guess what?

It works!

And even better than that…

Not only do you get nearly instant results with guests and growth…

Pastor, it saves you a TON OF TIME, ENERGY, and EFFORT.

It’s simply too good not to share.

But here’s the thing…

When we started this we said we’d only take 25 clients as “Founders” at the current ridiculously low monthly rate.

And that filled up in 2 months without doing any marketing.

Just word of mouth and insane results.

Now we have churches across the nation (and globally) booking demos and signing up nearly as fast as they see what this service can do for their church.

So we decided to increase the number of “Founders” to 50 churches and then cap it off…

We simply can’t build our team fast enough to handle the growth.

I just got word that we hit 30 clients with a bunch of people signing up in the next few days…

Which means these “founder” spots will be gone in the blink of an eye.

And the price will go up so we can continue to hire and train our team.

Because we’re NOT going to drop the quality of what we provide.

We provide world-class marketing for your church that brings in guests.

We provide one of the most powerful and comprehensive automated communication platforms in the world today…

And then we add weekly coaching and hands-on care for our clients.

It should be 10X the price, but

Both Paul and I are pastors. Both of us are pastor’s sons. And we LOVE to SERVE pastors!

This isn’t just a business for us…it’s a mission and a ministry.

This is a vision that comes from our heart/vision to bless the socks off of pastors and churches and create momentum for the Kingdom of God!

So, here’s where you come in.

Like I mentioned, there are 20 “founders” spots left.

It’s the lowest price we’ll ever be able to offer for this service.

But our capacity to serve churches is limited and we will need to reassess and retool once we get to 50.

So, if you’re interested in jumping on board with Church Flow Pro I highly encourage you not to put it off too long.

We won’t turn you away but it might be a wait and the price will be going up in the near future so we can continue to help more churches grow!

Here’s your next steps:

2) Reply to this email with any questions you have. (happy to help!)

Like I said…

It’s too good not to share!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake