A Clear Plan For Growth

How To Create Traction At Your Church

We do our church staff meetings on Tuesday.

And the past few have been really fun!

The energy is good...the team is engaged...

And it just feels great!

Even though we are problem solving significant challenges it's still a total blast.

Because our team knows how to create traction.

Which means getting a "grip" on the surface beneath your feet so you can make progress.

Is that something you and your team have?

What I've discovered is that a lack of traction is almost always a lack of clarity.

As a pastor, one of the most frustrating things is not knowing what to do next!

Or that feeling of "spinning wheels."

As a leader we can see where we want the church to go.

And how we want it to grow...

But often have no clue about what to do next.

Do you have traction?

Is there a clear list of things you can do 1 - 2 - 3 in order to achieve your goals?

If not you might need some fresh insight!

I recently put together a list of 20 Ways To Grow Your Church.

These are smart, practical strategies you can use to get traction in your leadership.

If even one of these strategies works for you you'll be way ahead!

It's time to break stagnation and get a clear path forward.

No more spinning your wheels in frustration.

Check out the guide below:

- Pastor Jake

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