Are You Slipping?

How To Gain Traction At Your Church

In partnership with

Last winter we had a crazy ice storm.

I’m not sure if this happens in your neck of the woods but every few years it happens where I live in Oregon.

The temperature and weather conditions result in a thick coating of ice on the ground and every tree limb, etc.

It basically shuts the town down for a few days!

During this last one my wife asked me to go check on our elderly neighbors.

So, my son and I attempted to cross the yard and driveway…about 50 feet…to go check on them.

It was a clown show!

We slipped and slid and barely made it there…

At one point we were trying to get up a very small (2 ft high) bank between our yards and our feet just slid like they show in cartoons!

Luckily, I didn’t fall!

In the end we made it to our neighbors and had a nice chat.

But it reminds me of what church leadership feels like sometimes.

No matter how much effort you put in you just slip and slide!

Feels like you can’t grow…

Can’t get enough volunteers…

Or enough resources…

Or enough guests…

I’m talking about traction.

Traction is SO valuable in life and ministry.

When you have traction some great things happen:

  • Plans work!

  • People engage!

  • Resources flow to the vision!

  • Guests come…and join!

Traction makes everything work better.

But it doesn’t happen by accident.

Leadership traction is the result of applying smart, effective strategies that create healthy culture.

And that’s exactly what we help with in UpLevel Leader.

Weekly coaching in the 9 key things that drive traction.

We can help you get people, keep people, and grow people.

And have more fun in the process!

Because we’ll show you how to get traction under your feet as a pastor and leader.

If you want more info about how the coaching works just reply back to this email with the word: TRACTION

God bless,

Pastor Jake

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