Train Your Team Like A Boss

And Watch Your Church Grow

In my coaching and consulting work I have a training I teach called “The Job Description Of A Lead Pastor.”

And one of the roles that every lead pastor must own is being the “Chief Training Officer.”

This doesn’t mean you have to know everything but it does mean it’s your responsibility to ensure your team is equipped with the tools and training they need to do their job.

One of the major frustrations pastors have is they don’t feel they have the help/support they need!

It feels like they are the only one doing the work or perhaps the only one doing it right.

These are signs of poorly trained team!

Because what I’ve seen is that people typically lack CONFIDENCE more than they lack WILLINGNESS.

They’re happy to help but they don’t know how.

Pastor, your dream team is all around you.

They’re sitting in the rows.

They’re in the lobby.

They’re at the small group.

But they need a clear plan and enough training to start helping you!

Which is why one of the BEST ways you can use a course/training is to invite people from your church or existing leaders to take a course with you!

As I mentioned in yesterday’s email, one of the most helpful courses I’ve ever created is called “10 Reasons People Don’t Come Back To Your Church” and it’s all about creating a compelling Sunday experience at your church…

This course equips and empowers ANYONE that hears it to become a Sunday culture/atmosphere NINJA!


I can’t tell you how many pastors have used this course to massively improve their Sunday experience and by extension see their church grow!

But the REAL and most POTENT benefit is what happens when you use this training with your team.

Because you release healthy culture “carriers” into your atmosphere.

They make a difference and they love it!

Go get em,

Pastor Jake