A Truly Shocking Stat

Gets Me Everytime...

Got something good for you here:

Did you know that 40% of people that come back to your church the next Sunday after their first visit become regulars?

Yes, it's true!

That's an amazing stat and it's helpful for us as pastors and church leaders for so many reasons.

It tells us the overwhelming importance of the week between a guest's first and second visit.

But even more importantly, it tells us how important someone's first visit to our church is!

If you think about it, that first visit is our one guaranteed opportunity with that person.

And yet, many leaders aren't intentional about getting it right...

We get what I call "familiarity blindness."

We don't see our Sunday environment with fresh eyes.

We don't pick up on the "cringe" moments in the service or see the gaps in how we care for guests.

Unfortunately, it might be the difference between someone coming back and becoming a member or moving on...

That's why I put together the "10 Reasons People Don't Come Back To Your Church...And What You Can Do About It" Audio Course.

To help you get over "familiarity blindness" and identify what's stopping people from coming back to your church...

Inside the course you'll learn:

  • The top 10 things you can do to "shut the back door" of your church...

  • How to see your Sunday environment with fresh eyes...

  • The one simple tweak (that I can almost guarantee you're probably missing...) that will get visitors to come back...

  • An easy but effective method to follow up with guests...

  • How to intentionally craft a Sunday service your congregation will invite their friends, family, and coworkers to attend...

  • And more!

Plus, for this week only you can save 60% on the course:

- Pastor Jake