6 Signs You're Under Challenged As A Leader

I was talking to a young leader recently and he said, “I think I’m just tired…need a break!”

But after assessing his situation with him for awhile I said, “No, you just need a new challenge!”

Here’s the deal.

Feeling tired sometimes means you need to rest…

That’s intuitive.

But it might also mean you need to work…

Counterintuitive, right?

Here’s what I mean.

Purposeful work leads to fulfillment.

Remember when Jesus said, “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.”

His disciples were like, “Who gave Him bread?”

And Jesus gave that answer.

Doing your God-given, prophetic assignment is nourishment.

AKA - it fills your cup.

But that means staying on the cutting edge of growth, learning, and activity.

And operating in what I call the “Challenge Zone.”

Sounds like something from American Gladiator (The Challenge Zone!!!)…haha.

I see that many leaders are actually under-challenged which makes them unfulfilled.

You need a new MOUNTAIN! A fresh vision.

The “challenge” zone keeps us sharp, strong, and passionate.

Remember the old Jeff Foxworthy joke, “You might be a redneck if…?”

Well today we’re going to ask something similar! (not about being a redneck of course…haha)

Here are…

6 Signs You’re An Under Challenged Leader:

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