The unstoppable power of the BOTH/AND church

This email has the power to revolutionize your leadership and your church.

If you put it into action.

It involves a subtle yet powerful mindset shift.

Ready for it?

Make the move from either/or to both/and thinking.

See, most people are either/or thinkers.

Either/or people always think in terms of tradeoffs and compromise.

I can either be successful or I can be happy.

I can either have a great marriage or I can climb the corporate ladder.

I can either give up on health and eat cheeseburgers or I have to eat rabbit food to stay fit!

And so on...

But when it comes to leading a church this way of thinking is a deadly mistake!

Because either/or thinking makes you mediocre.

Either/or thinking makes you settle.

Either/or leads to never reaching your potential.

Either/or thinking about church leads to false beliefs such as...

We can either reach lost people or make disciples...

We can either go deep with people or be seeker sensitive...

We can either be Biblically faithful or culturally relevant...

We can either be Sunday focused or groups focused...

We can either be spiritual/supernatural or Bible focused...

And so on and so on...

You get it, right?

But this way of thinking isn't even Biblical!

Take the Acts 2 church for example..

They weren't either/or...they were both/and!

They were growing spiritually AND naturally.

They were passionate about prayer/worship/scripture AND reaching the lost!

They built the local church AND sent out missionaries to plant new ones.

They contended for the fullness of Christ's mission and vision to be manifested in their day to day lives.

That's a both/and church in action.

I believe every church is called to be a BOTH/AND church.

Insanely generous AND prosperous.

Insanely evangelistic AND deeply disciple making.

Insanely relevant AND absolutely faithful to the Bible.

Growing deep AND wide.

Both/and churches make a MASSIVE impact in their communities.

Both/and churches don't settle for second best.

But both/and churches don't just happen...

Every both/and church I've ever seen has one key ingredient...

And it doesn't work without this...

A passionately committed BOTH/AND leader!

This is an example of where either/or is TRUE.

Either you're a both/and leader that contends for a city-changing, uncompromising church OR you're a leader that settles for whatever.

But both/and leaders are built different.

Both/and leaders don't compromise their God-given vision.

They don't make agreements with average.

They don't settle.

They fight for love AND truth.

Outreach AND community.

Evangelism AND discipleship.

They want everything God has for their city and their church.

That's why my life mission (in addition to pastoring my local church) is to equip and encourage pastors and church leaders to be ALL that God has called them to be.

The mission of the UpLevel Leader coaching program is simple:

Grow the leader. Grow the church.

In UpLevel Leader we equip pastors to be both/and leaders that see clearly, speak boldly, and lead courageously.

Leaders that don't compromise an inch when it comes to leading healthy, growing, Acts 2 model churches.

Is that what you want?

If so, I'm more than happy to help you...

It doesn't matter if your church is 50 or 5,000.

My own church was 20 people and now we're over 1,000 in 7 years (including going through the pandemic and being shut out of our meeting space for over 6 months!).

Here's how it works...

I host a weekly ZOOM call for pastors called UpLevel Leader.

And in that group I lay out the exact steps you need to take to see EVERYTHING God has for your church come to pass.

More members.

More givers.

More volunteers.

More impact in your city.

More personal fun and fulfillment in your leadership.

It might not happen overnight but it WILL happen.

How can I say that?

Because I've seen it happen for hundreds of churches over the past few years! And I KNOW it can happen for you.

It isn't rocket science.

There are a few key areas that we help churches get right and when they do...they grow like crazy!

I don't have time to explain it all but I'd love to work with you so you can make this dream a reality.

Right now I only have time to on-board and coach 5 2 more pastors. (We've only got room for 2 more pastors to join this month...)

Once we hit 5 2 new members I'll have to shut down enrollment.

But for the time being you can sign up to work with me and my team.

Have a wonderful day,

Pastor Jake