What If?

A Big Shot Of Faith To The Jugular!

This will be a short message because I'm off to the office in just a few minutes...

But I've got something burning in my heart for you!

A simple question that has the power to revolutionize your faith, vision, and strategy...

What if?

What if everything God put in your heart for your church came to pass?

What if you had new guests every single week of the year?

What if you had more than enough volunteers (so many you had to make up new roles and jobs)?

What if you had a team of like-minded leaders that were "all-in" with your vision and mission?

What if you had an army of young people passionately following Jesus? (instead of watching the next-generation fall away...)

What if you had 100% clarity on what to do next?

What if you couldn't fail as a leader?

Sound too good to be true?

It's not.

In fact, everything I listed above is not only real (it's happening at our church and many others RIGHT NOW!)...

It's also how church is supposed to be.

If you're not experiencing everything I listed above I want to help you.

I host a weekly ZOOM call for pastors called UpLevel Leader.

And in that group I lay out the exact steps you need to take to see EVERYTHING I wrote above take place in your context.

It might not happen overnight but it WILL happen.

How can I say that?

Because I've seen it happen for hundreds of churches over the past few years! And I KNOW it can happen for you.

And it isn't rocket science.

There are a few key areas that we help churches get right and when they do...they grow like crazy!

Are you ready to break barriers, build a team, and get traction this year?

UpLevel Leader is a weekly coaching program where we laugh, learn, and sometimes cry together. It’s all about growing healthy churches and making disciples.

So, if you’d like hands on coaching to help you break your current growth barrier, create an incredible team, revitalize your mission, and see your church thrive I’d love you to join me and dozens of other pastors in the UpLevel Leader program.

Plus you get access to ALL of my courses including: Facebook Invitation System, Gust Follow-Up, Vision, and Kickstarting Church Growth.

Do you need community of like-minded leaders?

Do you need fresh ideas to get your church moving again?

Oh, and if your worried about the finances please don’t! We can show you how the program entirely pays for itself in as little as one month. We teach a simple (but incredibly effective) strategy for covering the very minimal cost of the program!

Plus for the next 5 3 pastors I’m offering a 50% discount on the group. Use code: MOMENTUM to save 50% FOREVER.

Click here to learn more and join. But heads up…we only have room for 5 pastors to join this month. So don’t delay!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake