When It Hurts But It Helps

Perspective For Pastors

We've all experienced it...

The dreaded check engine light.

It's never fun...because you know something is wrong but you probably don't know what.

And because I'm definitely not mechanically inclined it's always a stressful moment for me.

How much will this cost?

How much time will this take?

I sure hope the mechanic doesn't rip me off!

You get it.

But as stressful and uncomfortable as the check engine light is it's actually a gift.

Yeah, I know I know...

Hard to see it that way, right?

But bear with me.

Because the check engine light is actually helping you not do further damage to your valuable vehicle.

It's giving you a chance to get some help and get back on the road!

That perspective helps me...hopefully it can help you.

And lucky for both of us, God actually gave us a check engine light for our soul.

If you're tired, irritable, lacking motivation, out of passion, or have no vision for your church you're getting a "check engine" light and it's time to pull over and get some help!

Yeah, I know there's no mechanic for your soul (other than the Holy Spirit!) but there's a lot of things you can do...

- Take a day off and just rest

- Take a walk in nature

- Spend an afternoon in prayer and worship

- Read the Psalms and meditate on the faithfulness of God

- Spend time with a friend that you can laugh with

- Take your spouse out to dinner

You get it.

Don't keep driving with a check engine light on.

Take care of your soul.

Healthy leaders lead healthy teams.

Healthy teams create healthy churches.

Healthy churches grow.

Want more leadership equipping and encouragement?

Check out this bundle of resources called 20 Ways To Grow Your Church.


Pastor Jake