When The Leader Gets Better...

Everyone Gets Better!

“When the leader gets better, everyone gets better.”

I love that now famous quote from Pastor Craig Groeschel.

Put another way; one of the kindest and most long sighted things we can ever do for our teams, families, & churches is invest in ourselves.

I can almost hear some of you cringing, when I say those words, “invest in yourself.”

It conjures up images of laying in a spa, cucumbers on your eyes and someone filing your nails.

You think, I can’t do that! I am a self sacrificing servant of Christ!

And you know what, you are; and it’s beautiful.

But if anything, the fact that on a regular basis you “bear with the scruples of the weak.” That you lift others burdens and often a wide variety of burdens…

Means you need to invest in yourself.

Pastor, perhaps it’s time you brush off your copy of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and especially chapter 7: “Sharpen Your Saw.”

  • Those you’re counseling need you to come well rested to the appointment.

  • Your team needs you to come into the office with a smile on your face and a memory of the fun you had last Saturday, unplugged with your family.

  • Your family needs you to have connected with Jesus this week, with your ear attuned to what dangers and opportunities are around the corner of your children’s lives.

  • Your sermons need time to breath and to draw from fresh wells of insight.

This wonderful vocation of ministry is not a sprint, it is a long haul trek across war ravaged cities, and distracting off ramps of temptation that would make a dystopian novelist blush.

We can’t afford to keep living off of stale Manna, we need a steady stream of divine inspiration and guidance.

Our key source for that is of course God’s Word and God’s Spirit.

A secondary source is resources produced by other men and women on the same or similar journey. Books, articles, coaching, community…

I’d like to help you keep your saw sharpened by sending you a free weekly newsletter called The Wise Letter. It’s a sister newsletter to The Leader Letter and is founded by Pastor Jake and myself.

We’re both pastors, thinkers, and entrepreneurs who love Jesus, love the church, and love you pastor and want to see you succeed in every way!

Whereas The Leader Letter focuses in on your ministry and leadership, The Wise Letter focuses in on you personally.

It’s not exclusive to pastors, so feel free to share it with your teams, business people, babysitters… Everyone who wants to get better.

But we are both pastors, living this life out and I know you’ll be able to relate closely with the content and the journey of self development.

Specifically we focus on helping you grow: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise!

Within a biblical and God honoring framework.

Click here to get access now: https://thewiseletter.com/ 

— Pastor Geno Schmelzer - The Wise Letter/”Can I Ask You A Question?” Podcast

PS - Jake here…I can’t say enough about how much I look forward to Geno’s weekly newsletter. It’s a breath of fresh air each and every week! Do yourself a favor and subscribe right here to start receiving the free newsletter.

And for pastors…are you ready to 10x your leadership and double your church this year? My team and I would love to help encourage and equip you as a part of UpLevel Leader. Over the past 6 years I’ve had the privilege to personally coach over 500 pastors into greater levels of fruitfulness and fulfillment in their pastoral ministry. Click here to learn more! (currently 50% off for new members)