Work Less, Do More


Did you know it's possible to work WAY less and get FAR more out of it?

Because MOST of what we do is non-essential.

It's true.

Due to the 80/20 principle.

You've probably heard of it.

It's a buzzword in some entrepreneurial and leadership circles.

You'll hear it tossed out on podcasts and TED talks from time to time.

And most people think they get it.

80% of results come from 20% of actions...

Been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt.

Well, not so fast bucko.

First, if you haven't actually read the book...grab a copy here and read it ASAP.

That's step one.

Because it's LOADED with far more insight than I ever expected from it.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's fundamentally changed how I think and work.

But there's something else I want to highlight today.

And that's the idea of elimination.

Getting rid of stuff.

See, most people that think they understand the 80/20 principle only shift things around.

Meaning, re-prioritizing their tasks/responsibilities .

And sure, doing that, they may see improvement...but not transformation.

Because when you really grasp the 80/20 you'll see that its not just about re-allocating more time and resources to what actually matters.

It's about eliminating 80% of what you do.

Because as they say, "The devil is in the details."

Before the real transformation happens you've got to create some whitespace.

And that's the advice I want to share with you.

Because for us, this past (and current) season of online church has been a season of less is more.

Limited in-person Sunday gatherings.

Limited events.

Limited face to face meetings.

And yet we've seen discipleship increase, finances improve, and vision clarify.

Less is more, right?

Well not exactly.

What elimination really does is reveal what actually matters.

Less is only more when you get rid of things that don't work or don't work as well as something else.

What I've discovered over the past few months is that A LOT of time, energy, and attention were being exerted in 80% activities.

And when they were taken away they revealed what was actually creating the results.

Which is unbelievably valuable insight!

I want you to experience it too...

But it comes at the price of elimination.

So, here's the blunt advice.

Eliminate some of what you, your team, and your church does.

Get rid of a program, service element, small group, meeting, whatever!

Of course, be strategic.

Choose carefully.

Then see what happens.

You might be surprised.

And I'm willing to bet you'll actually see improvement!

As the 20% that's really creating your momentum gets more air-time.

Well, I hope that's helpful.

If you're interested in learning more about how to apply the 80/20 principle in your church and leadership I've included a coaching session I did on it in the 20 Ways to Grow Your Church Bundle.

Onward and Upward,

Pastor Jake