Work Less

Reach More

In partnership with

One of the craziest things about life is that working harder rarely increases results.

I’m not lazy by any stretch of the imagination.

I’ve even dealt with being a bit of a workaholic…

And on the journey what I’ve discovered is that elite performers don’t just work harder.

They work smarter.

Dr. Covey shared his “sharpen the saw” principle years ago and it’s still just as true!

Don’t swing a dull axe…harder.

Sharpen it.

The secret to the breakthrough results in life and leadership is to know where to apply your efforts.

Work hard?


But aimed in the right direction.

That’s a BIG focus of what I help pastors do…

Understand the few (but vital) things they need to work on in order to grow their church, increase their impact, and love the process!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

How Well Does Your Financial Advisor Perform?

How would one even know? Most financial advisors don’t give you a report card at the end of the year, talking about the ways they helped you beat — or, gasp, underperform — the market.

With Rainbook — a no-cost platform — you can have crystal clear x-ray vision into how well your advisor is performing across a host of critical metrics:

  • Fees — how much are they charging you on a relative basis (including those fund fees)?

  • Performance — how are you doing relative to benchmarks? 

Critical questions impacting the long term health of your portfolio, Rainbook delivers you the answers.

If your Advisor Score isn’t up to par, Rainbook can pair you with a new vetted advisor to ensure your financial health is in good hands.